

Tiffany Yellow Diamond

Centenary Diamond

Hope Diamond
It is famous for supposedly being cursed

Orlov Diamond
The Orlov is a rarity among historic diamonds, for it retains its original Indian rose-style cut

Klopman diamond
The Klopman diamond was originally the subject of a traditional joke, a typical version of which is:
A businessman boarded a plane to find, sitting next to him, an elegant woman wearing the largest, most stunning diamond ring he had ever seen. He asked her about it.
“This is the Klopman diamond,” she said. “It is beautiful, but it’s like the Hope diamond; there is a terrible curse that goes with it.” “What’s the curse?” the man asked. She said “Mr. Klopman.”

Spoonmaker’s Diamond

The Sancy Diamond

The Great Star of Africa

Darya-ye Noor Diamond
The Darya-ye Noor “Ocean of Light”; weighing an estimated 182 carats (36 g). Its colour, pale pink, is one of the rarest to be found in diamonds

Koh-i-Noor Diamond
It belonged to great Mughal Kingdom of Indo-Pakistan Subcontinent


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