Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Vintage Internet Ads

Recent years everybody is crazy about vintage and retro stuff. Everything from clothing and shoes to furniture and accessories. It has gone so far that they are now producing vintage internet ads in a 1960’s style, and it is about all the trendy sites on the web, like for example Skype, Facebook and Twitter. The best part is that the ads have such amusing illustrations showing strange but old-fashioned computers and even iPhones.

The company producing them is an ad agency named Moma in Sao Paulo. The ads are specially made for Brazil’s MaxiMidia seminar series. The ad illustrations give such optimism, like they are trying to tell you how great the social networking sites on the internet are. The contrast of the 60’s and the modern life today is a bit ironic, because back then they didn’t have internet and they were fine without, but today you can hardly find one person that is not addicted to the web,
 Source: http://planetoddity.com

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