Steve Bolton wanted to prove he was the world's biggest Toy Story fan… so he officially changed his name to Buzz Lightyear.
The mechanic from West Bromwich says he loved the first two movies so much, he wanted to do something special for the launch of Toy Story 3.
But rather than simply getting in line to be one of the first to see the Pixar movie, 26-year-old Steve decided to officially change his name.
He contacted UK deed poll service and paid to have his name altered so it can now say "Buzz Lightyear" on his credit cards, bills and passport.
Yes, that means he now gets to tell staff at airports he's going "to infinity and beyond." We're sure that won't get old anytime soon.
Speaking of his name change Buzz said: "I'm a massive fan of Toy Story, they are my favourite films and I've always thought Buzz would be the ultimate action hero - if he wasn't a toy.
"But its a great name, a great film and my girlfriend is going to love telling people she's going out with Buzz Lightyear.
"Her and my mates have told me before that I've got a cheesy grin and chin like Buzz, so perhaps it's a fitting name change.
"I hope kids will ask me for my autograph. It's going to feel great signing my name Buzz Lightyear and introducing myself to people at parties."
A spokesperson for the UK Deed Poll Service said: "Steve seems to be a dedicated fan and we were more than happy to help him out with his name change.
"It is an unusual one and we hope it brings him a lot of fun and luck in life."

Source :- Newslite Via Acid Cow
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