Tuesday, June 22, 2010

22 ordinary things that look like the Starship Enterprise

22 ordinary things that look  like the Starship Enterprise (PICS)
Does that blender reminds you of something? Doesn't that cloud kinda, sorta resemble the ... ? If you squint hard enough and aren't a stickler for detail, you'll start noticing a lot of everyday objects that look more than a little bit like the Starship Enterprise. Below is a gallery of 22 things we found that are more than a little Enterprise-like.
via Flickr

Paris office building via Flickr

Floppy disk parts via Wikihow

CD Player via Flickr

Kids shadow + manhole cover via Flickr

Golf putter via Flickr

Pita Pit sign via Flickr

Dread Weapon via Gizmodo

Someone's grandmother's blender, admittedly missing the saucer and with the nacelles in an odd place. Via Flickr

Loving parent devised this Enterprise out of furniture. (If you know where it came from, send us a link so we can give them credit.)

Rock Formation via Airliners.net

Remote-operated vehicle via Blogspot. Check out its name!

Cloud formation via Flickr

Another cloud formation via Flickr

Creature from Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead via Den of Geek

Homemade, er, smoking device via Gizmodo

NT Legislature via Flickr

UCI Science Library via Wikimedia

Cactus dome via Urbanizr

Security camera shadows via Flickr

Awesomely backlit cloud formation via Flickr
Source: scifiwire

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