The International Wine Challenge (IWC) is an annual wine competition. assesses every wine blind and judges each for its faithfulness to variety, region and vintage. Every wine is assessed independently of its price. Value for money awards are made after the wine has been judged for quality
The London IWC now has over 9,000 entries. The results of the competition are published on the International Wine Challenge website in May, in trade bi-weekly magazine Harpers Wine & Spirit Trade Review and the World's Best Wines Guide.
The competition was launched in London in 1984 by Robert Joseph and Charles Metcalfe
The competition takes place over two weeks. There are three rounds of blind tasting: groups of eight to fourteen wines of the same style are tasted and scored by tables of 4 judges. There are over 300 judges. Wines scoring more than 84 points out of 100 advance to round two, where they are tasted again and gold medal winners in each style are awarded. Round three is a tasting of gold medal winners to decide on trophy winners. Throughout the rigorous judging processes, each medal winning wine is tasted at least three times and sometimes as many as six. There is no set number of trophies awarded. In September the IWC Awards Dinner is held in London. Each year, the achievements of the top medal winners, and the leading wine merchants, are publicly rewarded at the International Wine Challenge Awards Dinner, with over 800 guests from the UK wine trade plus international producers and winemakers.
Image Source:- Izismile
Content Source:- Wikipedia
Source:- International Wine Challenge

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