Barcode Building
This unusual office building is located in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Designed by Szotynscy Zaleski, the 4,000 square meter house is located in Rezydent shopping center in Sopot, Poland.

Creative strawberry house located in Denenchofu, Tokyo (Japan).

New headquarters of the Basque Health Department created by Coll-Barreu Arquitectos are located in the Ensanche, New Town (Spain).

Located in Japan, the Solar Ark building is a solar power generation facility that offers activities to cultivate a better appreciation of solar power generation.

Beautiful concert hall located in Los Angeles, California seats 2,265 people and serves as the home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic orchestra and the Los Angeles Master Chorale.

Creative house designed by Daniel Czapiewski is located in the tiny village of Szymbark in Poland.

Olympic technical support center for the Beijing 2008 Olympics.

Designed by Czech architect Vlado Milunic in co-operation with Canadian architect Frank Gehry, the house vaguely resembles a pair of dancers. The building is located in downtown Prague, Czech Republic.

James Law have been commissioned by Vijay Associate to create an office unlike any other in Mumbai, India. The building is due for completion by the end of 2010.

Located in Anhui province of China, inside the transparent violin is the staircase to the building upstairs.

Beautiful five-star hotel located in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan.

Unusual academic complex designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Frank Gehry for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Located in London, the Sliding House is equipped with a mobile roof/wall enclosure which adds the ability to change the overall composition of the building according to season.

Unique building that looks like a giant basket, located in Newark, Ohio.

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