

25 Sexiest Things Ever Said by Women

1. �The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.� �Eve, Genesis 3:13
2. �To err is human�but it feels divine.� �Mae West
3. �We�re so damn conservative all day that when you finally get us in the bedroom, we�re absolute animals.� �Shannen Doherty, on being Republican
4. �Lust is the sin that gets me excited. Luckily, because I�m married, I also get good jewelry out of it.� �Heather Locklear
5. �All I can say is if they show my butt in a movie, it better be a wide shot.� �Jennifer Lopez
6. �I don�t think I have to introduce myself, unless you don�t recognize me with my clothes on.� �Madonna
7. �If you want to turn on your boyfriend, get naked and strap on an accordion.� �Sheryl Crow
8. �It says, �Pamela.� And when he gets excited, it says, �I love Pamela very, very much. She�s a wonderful wife, and I enjoy her company to the 10th degree!� � �Pamela Anderson, on the tattoo on Tommy Lee�s penis
9. �Most virtue is a demand for greater seduction.� �Natalie Clifford Barney
10. �Only the united beat of sex and heart can create ecstasy.� �Anais Nin
11. �It�s pitch, sex is. Once you touch it, it clings to you.� �Margery Allingham
12. �As a stripper, I was getting a taste of what it would be like to be a woman in a society that honors the animal vitality in us all, instead of despising it.� �Seph Weene
13. �It was like experiencing a nuclear explosion in a very small place.� �Loni Anderson, describing sex with WKRP in Cincinnati costar Gary Sandy
14. �I get such a rush going to the store, standing in front of the condom counter and going through them. I love the gold-coin ones. Every time I undo one, it reminds me of the chocolate candies from my childhood.� �Sandra Bullock
15. �I don�t think being obsessed with sex is any stranger than being obsessed with stamp collecting.� �Annie Sprinkle
16. �I�m very old-fashioned. Occasionally I do wear underwear.� �Sharon Stone
17. �Men ought to become more conscious of their bodies as objects of delight.� �Germaine Greer
18. �A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.� �Ingrid Bergman
19. �You wanna know what my tongue feels like?� �Janet Jackson
20. �You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women, but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy.� �Erica Jong
21. �Don�t! Ever! Stop! F�ing! Me!� �Kelly Preston, in Jerry Maguire
22. �Is she perverted like me? Would she go down on you in a theater?� �Alanis Morissette
23. �I�m not a prostitute, but I could give you what you want.� �Missy Elliott
24. �When she raises her eyelids, it�s as if she were taking off all her clothes.� �Colette
25. �I like to wake up feeling a new man.� �Jean Harlow

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