Friday, December 5, 2008

Top 10 Weirdest Dresses Ever

Weirdest Dresses
Weirdest Dresses

Condom Dress : Created by Brazilian artist Adriana Bertini, they are made of thousands of quality-control-rejected condoms. These colorful clothes were shown at the "Dress Up Against AIDS: Condom Couture," an exhibition at UCLA�s Fowler Museum.

Weirdest Dresses
Weirdest Dresses

Hamburger Dress : Created by artist Joy Kampia, who specializes in crocheted sculpture and wearable art.

Weirdest Dresses
Weirdest Dresses

Chocolate Dress : Designed by the famous spanish designer Paco Rabanne..

Weirdest Dresses
Weirdest Dresses

Cream Puff Dress : Creates by Valentyn Shtefano, a Chef from Ukraine, made this dress from 1,500 cream puffs for his fiancee. It took two months, with the final product weighing in at 20 pounds.

Weirdest Dresses
Weirdest Dresses

Charmin Toilet Paper Dress : Katrina Chalifoux of Illinois created this toilet paper wedding dress for a competition sponsored by "Ripley�s Believe It or Not!"

Weirdest Dresses
Weirdest Dresses

Skittles Wrapper Dress : 15 hours and 101 Skittle wrappers after, Craftster user The perilous popsicle finished her Prom dress made entirely out of this candy wrappers.

Weirdest Dresses
Weirdest Dresses
Tent Dress : The "Ms. Homeland Security: Illegal Entry Dress Tent," by Robin Lasser and Adrienne Pao.

Weirdest Dresses
Weirdest Dresses
Natural Dress : Artist/fashion designer Robin Barcus creates unusual dresses from natural ingredients: lily pad, dandelion, corn husk, pinecones and more.

Weirdest Dresses
Weirdest Dresses
Sexiest Wedding Dress : This is the World's most sexiest wedding dress ever where no one can give such a sexy look Huh?

Weirdest Dresses

Sexiest Fan Dress : Created by the man Aka
The Fans itself aka.

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