Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Two-faced baby

THIS is the tot born with two faces being worshipped as the reincarnation of an Indian deity.

Villagers have flocked to see the baby girl - just days old - who has four eyes and two faces,

at Sani village in Gautam Buddha Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh, 50km north east of New Delhi.

Born to Vinod Singh and mother Sushma, the tot is being worshiped as a reincarnation of an Indian God.

People in her rural village have been singing, dancing, offering money and asking for her blessings.

Two-faced baby
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A baby girl was recently born in India who has two distinct faces and four eyes.

The message, which includes photographs of the baby, claims that she is being worshiped by Indian villagers as a reincarnation of an Indian god.

Although amazing, the information in the message is true and the photographs are genuine. Baby Lali has an extremely rare condition known as craniofacial duplication. Lali was born in March 2008 to parents Vinod and Sushma who live in the northern Indian village of Saini. reports:

She has caused a sensation, attracting a stream of curious observers and others who consider her a deity in the deeply religious Hindu-majority country.

Lali's extremely rare condition is known as craniofacial duplication, where a single head has two faces. Her facial features are duplicated with the exception of her ears - she has two.

"She drinks milk from her two mouths and opens and shuts all the four eyes at one time," the director of Saifi Hospital, Sabir Ali, said

"She is leading a normal life with no breathing difficulties.''

He said he saw no need for surgery.

An April 10 article on ABC News reports that Lali's family "has refused special medical treatment for the infant,

saying she is the incarnation of a Hindu goddess". The article notes:

"She is fine. She sleeps, eats and cries like other normal babies ... A local doctor said there is nothing wrong with the child," Bhram Singh, Lali's grandfather, told Reuters in this village of brick houses and wheat fields.

But he insists the infant is the incarnation of a Hindu goddess and points to the loudspeaker outside his house which blares religious hymns all day.

Villagers believe Lali, named that because of her bright red cheeks, is a form of Shakti, the Hindu goddess of power.

"The birth is a miracle and a good sign for the village," said Daulat Ram, the village chief.

Two-faced baby
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