1. Wear makeup instead of masks. Use mom's hypo-allergenic makeup if possible or purchase hypo-allergenic formulas. Have an adult apply the makeup and remove it with cold cream instead of soap and water.
2. Avoid costumes with masks, wigs, floppy hats or eye patches that block vision.
3. Avoid pointed props such as spears, swords or wands that endanger other children's eyes.
4. Wear bright, reflective clothing or have reflective patches somewhere on the costume if you are going out at night in your costume.
5. Carry a bright flashlight to illuminate sidewalks, steps and paths.
6. No one should drive while wearing a mask.
12 Very Strange Children's Costumes Not for the Faint of Heart
7. Obey all traffic signals, both as a pedestrian and a driver.
8. Younger children should be accompanied by an adult while traveling about the neighborhood. Older children should trick-or-treat in groups.
9. Use common sense. Never dart out from between parked cars or hidden corners such as alleys. Avoid streets under construction. Don't trick-or-treat in busy commercial areas or where there is heavy traffic.
10. Grownups should inspect all trick-or-treat items before allowing children to have them.
11. Be sure the path and stairs to your front door are well illuminated and clear of obstacles.
12. Daylight trick or treating is safer than going out after dark.
13. Halloween parties are safer than trick-or-treating at any time.
14. Do not drink and drive.
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