Sunday, October 5, 2008

30 Tips for Good Photographers

30 useful tips for professional photographers.

In this case this are not rules that a good photographer must follow� but this half hundred tips are things that we should know, memorize and put into practice by every lover of the beautiful art of photography.

1. Study the manual of our cam. We should be able to use every possible function of the instrument with which we are going to capture images.
2. Do not use sunglasses when taking pictures
3. Work with the highest resolution that the cam has
4. Have presented the limitations that the flash has
5. Archive the pictures using different categories, and order them chronologically
6. In every download of the pictures (cam-PC), make back up copies
7. Use post-processed on copies, not on original images
8. Be careful in the way we hold the camera, our fingers shouldn't be in front of the cams censor
9. In the case of compact cameras do not use digital zoom
10. Keep the screen off will help to save battery
11. Before a photographic session we should check that our batteries are full. Its always good to have more than one, just in case.
12. Hold firmly the camera with both hands, and keep your elbows beside your chest. Sometimes it's better to stand over something.
13. Push the button of the cam softly, to capture a good image
14. Be sure that the memory isn't full before starting a session
15. Take your time to select the place and every object or person which will appear in the image, in this way elements which don't give the picture any information or beauty wont appear
16. Make different shots from different angles
17. Be careful with little cameras, because not everything that appears in the screen appears in the image or in the other way
18. Do not use inclined earth line
19. Sometimes use vertical format
20. The best light is the one from the morning or the afternoon, do not use midday light
21. Cloudy days give great light for landscape shots
22. Our shadow (the photographer's one) shouldn't appear in the picture
23. Focus with precision on the main theme
24. Be careful at the beach, sand and salt may harm your cam
25. Do not hurry when taking a picture
26. Look information in the internet, everything is there
27. Do not fear to experiment with your equipment
28. See and study, master photographers images
29. In our composition use negative space as an alternative resource
30. Practice, practice, practice

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