Morphing into mesmerizing shapes under the sublime light of the moon, wooing romantic couples with a whir of the wind turbines, making the tenants slightly dizzy by the graceful rotation of their bedroom�s scenery - this is radical enough to attract scores of tourists, if successfully built. Jewel of Dubai A skyscraper built of rotating platters with built-in wind turbines.The tallest tower in the world to be Burj Dubai.
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Friday, June 29, 2007 |

Morphing into mesmerizing shapes under the sublime light of the moon, wooing romantic couples with a whir of the wind turbines, making the tenants slightly dizzy by the graceful rotation of their bedroom�s scenery - this is radical enough to attract scores of tourists, if successfully built. Jewel of Dubai A skyscraper built of rotating platters with built-in wind turbines.The tallest tower in the world to be Burj Dubai.
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Morphing into mesmerizing shapes under the sublime light of the moon, wooing romantic couples with a whir of the wind turbines, making the tenants slightly dizzy by the graceful rotation of their bedroom�s scenery - this is radical enough to attract scores of tourists, if successfully built. Jewel of Dubai A skyscraper built of rotating platters with built-in wind turbines.The tallest tower in the world to be Burj Dubai.
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The Jewel of Dubai - The Rotating Tower
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