Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy Pills

Happy Pills Store in Barcelona, Spain Review

Best happy camper pills Ah those crazy Spaniards and their drug legislation. These pictures where – unbelievably – you can buy your (so called) happy pills by simply walking in off the Avinguda del Portal de l'Angel and helping yourself.

Of course you’ll need to travel to Barcelona, Spain in order to get one but I hear they work every time.

This has to be one of the most ingenious ideas I have ever heard, we all know sweets make everyone feel better so why not use them as actual anti-depressives? That’s exactly what the Happy Pills shop in Barcelona is doing, it raps all kinds of tasty, gummy sweets in plastic bottles, labeled with pink crosses and prescriptions like: “against Mondays” or “against the intolerable lightness of being”. The shop is like a long hallway and you can get a bottle and a spoon and serve yourself from the various medicines.

I have to remember this place for when i visit Barcelona…hope depression Pills Will Be Come soon!

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