Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Nothing is as fascinating as an unexplained accident

New batch of strange mis-happenings, weird situations, and often maddeningly mysterious wrecks, where we keep asking ourselves: "How on earth that could happen?"


Too close for comfort - now:

...and then



Street installation by D'Face on Brick Lane in London.

We got a story behind the image above: 2004 Hurricane Ivan is responsible for dropping the air conditioning unit on top of this car... The car was left in a parking lot like this for a year, as nobody wanted to pay the moving bill!
(thank you Nikki for this info)


Hanging loose!

Looks like it's an art installation, after all:

Trimmed to size:

Really Bad Parking:

Stuck while off-roading:

Never leaving the road, but still stuck:

Help, anyone? (and stop grinning)

...spring has sprung:

"Oops" happens to bicyclists & pedestrians too, of course:

Accidents waiting to happen:

I guess this would explain the following picture:

don't put yourself at risk:

here is my favorite: what is he thinking??
(although i suspect this is an ad, demonstrating traction?)


It is indeed an ad for AUDI 4x4 drive. Thanks to your suggestions,
here are some links:
See video ad here (even older ad is here)
Make sure to check out their site (with info on how they did it)

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