Here are 10 over the top hamburgers that are guaranteed to clog your arteries by just looking that them:
1. The Quadruple Bypass Burger
The Quadruple Bypass Burger from the Heart Attack Grill; four burger patties with side orders of Jolt Cola, unfiltered Lucky Strike cigarettes and French fries deep-fried in pure lard.

While this burger is definitely going to jack your cholesterol up a few points from all the saturated fat in the 1/4 lber patty, hopefully some of the Omega 3 Fatty acids from the fish (if that really is fish), will help counter off some of the negative effects on your health.

3. Big Daddy Barrick Burger
Sonya Thomas, a 5'5 99-pound competitive eating champion, downed an 18 pound Big Daddy Barrick Burger in Las Vegas a few years ago.

4.Mega Mel Burger
The Mega Mel Burger might just be the biggest burger to ever walk this planet (Cows walk before they are slaughtered so shut it). The burger contains 1.5 lbs of fresh ground beef, 1 lb of bacon, 1/4 lb of American cheese, lots of lettuce,tomatoes and pickles.

5. The Hotdog Hamburger
This one hails from England. I�m not sure what it�s called, but it�s a hamburger with a chopped hotdog on top.

Mulligan�s invented the Hamdog, one hotdog wrapped in a beef patty and cheese, then deep-fried, covered with chili and onions and served on a bun with a fried egg on top.

McDonalds has long been ranked the �King of Cholesterol� and this was for the standard foods they offer. When I saw this picture of a 7 patty 2lbs cheese burger I personally upped their status from King of Cholesterol to Empire.

Dyer�s Burgers are deep-fried hamburgers piled with mustard, onion and pickle and paired with a single, double or triple-order of cheese fries.

Whataburger puts the entire farm in one sandwich; bacon, cheese, fried egg, burger patty, and chicken cutlet. They affectionately call it the �Whatafarm� burger.

Another Mulligan�s creation, the Luther Burger. Named after Luther Vandross it�s a bacon cheeseburger sandwiched between two glazed donuts.

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