Monday, February 16, 2009

Baby Ox with Whopping HUGE Heart-Shaped Marking

More of Mother Nature�s love messages are revealed to the world with her spectacular creatures that have captivate humankind, as a baby ox born with a whopping huge heart pattern on his forehead was brought to life just ahead of Valentine�s Day.

Named �Ha-chan� � meaning �heart� in Japanese � was born at the Yamakun dairy farm 25 miles (40 kilometers) from Tokyo in Fujisawa, Japan, a mere 20 days ago.

Japanese farmer Kazunori Yamazaki was astonished when he discovered the baby ox the morning after he was born on his farm complete with a love-heart-shaped marking on his forehead

Amazingly enough, the curious creature was also born in the year of the Ox. He has become a local celebrity, with people flocking from all over the country to see the almost near-perfect pattern on his forehead.

�Good timing for Valentine�s Day.� said Kazunori.

An appeal has been made in Japan to save the baby �Valentine� bull from the butcher�s chop.

The farmer hopes that someone will buy him as a romantic gift for Valentine�s Day � otherwise his days are sadly numbered according to Kazunori, who says he can�t keep the male bull at his farm.

Kazunori hopes that a zoo or a tourism farm will volunteer to take care of him.

Ha-chan may be a local celebrity, but if no-one can give him a home he will have to be sold for meat.

But Ha-chan won�t have to go to the slaughterhouse quite yet, as young bulls are normally sold for meat at the age of 2 years. If a new owner isn�t found before then, �even Cupid would find it difficult to protect him.�

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