14 Creative Advertisements

Denver Water

Check out these creative and unique advertisements from around the world:

3M Security Glass Advertisement

3M was so sure their Security Glass was unbreakable, they put a large stack of cash behind it and shoved it in a bus stop.

3M Security Glass Advertisement

Radiant Gym �Running� Advertisement

Obesity finds it hardest to catch up with those who are running.

Radiant Gym Running Ad

YKM Bag Advertisement

YKM Bag Advertisement

Where�s your child?

Where�s your child?

Yodobashi Camera Store Bus Advertisement

Yodobashi Camera Store Bus Advertisement

Premiere �Spiderman� Advertisement

Your TV program takes a break when you do.
Personal digital TV with delayed viewing.

Premiere �Spiderman� Advertisement

Creative Adidas Advertisement

Creative Adidas Advertisement

Funeral Services Advertisement

Funeral Services Advertisement

Stop�n Grow Bag Advertisement

German product that stops nail biting.

Stop�n Grow Bag Advertisement

Denver Water Advertisement

Use Only What You Need.
Denver Water

Sharpie Permanent Markers Advertisement

Sharpie Permanent Markers Advertisement

Samsung �Express Yourself� Advertisement

Samsung �Express Yourself� Advertisement

�Reserved for Drunk Drivers� Advertisement

Reserved for Drunk Drivers� Advertisement

Dettol Instant Hand Sanitizer Advertisement

Dettol Instant Hand Sanitizer Advertisement

Friday, May 16, 2008

Amazing Facts About The Animal World

Animals have secret worlds. Read here to learn more about them.

Here are some more intriguing facts about animals.

1.Camels have three eyebrows on their eyes.


2. Polar bears are left pawed.

Polar bears

3. Crocodiles can't stick out their tongues.


4. Ants never sleep.


5. Mosquitoes have 47 teeth.


6. Snails have more than 25000 teeth.


7. A mature beer can run as fast as a horse.


8.Camels can drink 250 liters og water at one time.


9. Kangaroos can't hop backwards.


10. The only animal that can burn because of sunlight is a pig.


11. Giraffes clean their ears with their tongues.


12. Snakes can't hear.


13.The blood of lobsters is blue.

The blood of lobsters

When Someone Insults You: 12 Neat Comebacks

Have you ever been taken by surprise when someone insulted you? Were you at a loss for words?

Put-down artists count on the element of surprise when launching insulting remarks. Master these comebacks and put put-down artists in their place.

When someone insults you, look him or her slowly up and down and come back with:

1. �Have you always been this way?� (They'll be left wondering what you mean.).
2. �Are you on medication for that?� Shake your head sadly.
3. �By the way, I've heard of a program for people like you. It's called Effective Communication Skills.�
4. Give them a pitying look and ask if you can get them an aspirin.
5. �Do you always mask insults with humor?�
6. Pat them on the shoulder and say: �It's obvious you are under stress. Is there anything I can do?�
7. Mention an acquaintance of yours who is always putting others down and make the observation that people who do this suffer from low self-esteem.
8. Thank the person profusely for pointing out what's wrong with you and lay it on thick until they get uncomfortable.
9. Laugh (purposely misunderstand them) and tell them that you are going to tell all your friends about their remark.
10. Give a big yawn and glance at your watch. (They see that their remark didn't get a reaction.).
11. �We are so alike in some ways, aren't we?� (This is particularly effective if someone has made an insulting remark about your weight.).
12. Ask the person to repeat what they just said. Then ask them to enlarge on it. Tell them you still don't quite get it and keep asking for more details.

10 Weird Looking Creatures

The Dog
Weird dog

This is an ugly dog that looks like something from another world. It looks like some sort of monster and may haunt your dreams for the rest of your life.

The Llama Fish
The Llama Fish

This thing is one ugly looking creature that looks as if it was a spawn of the devil it's self. Beware

A Fine Piece

A Fine Piece

This is one hot chick that definitely should be in a beauty pageant. Some one give this B**** a crown.

The Lump Fish

The Lump Fish

This is a fish that definitely does not belong in the sea or out of it. It belongs in the pits of hell. I think it's a spawn of Jubbah the Hut.

Ugly Democrat

Ugly Democrat

I'm Speechless.

Some Sort of Dinosaur

Some Sort of Dinosaur

I think this may be a walking piece of crap.

Person or E.T.?

Person or E.T.?

Is this E.T. or a person? I'll let you decide.



Don't judge a book by the cover. It's a really nice thing.

The Rat

The Rat

Can someone please return my glasses.

The hermaphrodite

The hermaphrodite

Abe Lincoln had a baby?

A collection of ten weird, funny, or even scary looking creatures.

Here in this list you will find 10 weird, funny, or even scary looking creatures or things. They are in no certain order and will all scar you for life. Enjoy! (Not all of these images or content are real).