Friday, August 31, 2007

How to cook an egg with mobile phones

How Two Russian Journalists Cooked an Egg with their Mobile Phones

cook an egg with mobile phones
Vladimir Lagovski and Andrei Moiseynko from Komsomolskaya Pravda Newspaper in Moscow decided to learn first-hand how harmful cell phones are. There is no magic in cooking with your cell phone. The secret is in the radio waves that the cell phone radiates.

The journalists created a simple microwave structure as shown in the picture. They called from one cell phone to the other and left both phones on talking mode. They placed a tape recorder next to phones to imitate sounds of speaking so the phones would stay on.
cook an egg with mobile phones
After, 15 minutes: The egg became slightly warm.

25 minutes: The egg became very warm.

40 minutes: The egg became very hot.

65 minutes: The egg was cooked. (As you can see.)
cook an egg with mobile phones
Conclusion 1: Cooking eggs with mobile phones is possible but very expensive ($4.55 or 123 Rubles)

Conclusion 2: All this talk of danger is exaggerated; even if your brain gets cooked, it would take a couple hours of talking on a cell phone.

Conclusion 3: We do not recommend carrying cell phone in your pants.

This Chick Will Destroy You

MMA queen Satoko Shinashi eats her opponents for breakfast..

Painfully Real Cuckoo Clock

Real Cuckoo Clock
Real Cuckoo Clock
The traditional Black Forrest Cuckoo Clock is creatively crucified by German artist and product designer, Michael Sans. This clock, simply titled "Cuckoo Clock", with materials consisting of; digital clock, metal housing, chromed nails and chain, cuckoo (died of natural causes in 1958). One of a kind-Not for sale.

World�s Largest Bear Killed in Alaska

World�s Largest Bear

The largest grizzly bear was killed by an employee working for the US Forest service in Alaska using his 7mm Magnum semi-automatic rifle in 2005, it had just killed and ate at least two humans in the past 72 hours. This world's largest bear measured over one thousand six hundred pounds and stood 12' 6? high at the shoulder, 14' to the top of his head. Instead let its employee keep this largest bear as a trophy, the Alaska Fish and Wildlife Commission has made it into a giant specimen and placed on display at the Anchorage Airport to remind tourists of the risks involved when in the wild.

A grass snake Sid Tackling Super-sized Goldfish

Super-sized Goldfish
A grass snake called Sid, has taken to eating goldfish more than ten times the size of his head for dinner in the pond of the couple of Valerie and Raymond Bell in Appledore, near Ashford in Kent, UK. Luckily, the fish still survived after its master rapped the snake on the nose with a bean pole. Anyway, I am grieved for such a pity goldfish!

"World's largest diamond" found in NW

World's largest diamond
A "diamond" twice the size of the world's largest - the 3,106-carat Cullinan , has been found in the North West Province of South Africa. The light green gemstone, which weighs an astonishing 6,000 carats or 42oz, valued at approximately �15million. Its ultimate value will depend on how clear it is and how many flaws it contains, such as cracks, gas bubbles or carbon marks.

Zat Knight arrested in drugs raid England footballer

Zat Knight
This should teach him a lesson.... Zat Knight 27, was arrested during an armed drugs raid - hours before he completed a �3.5 million transfer from Fulham to Aston Villa.

Heroin and cocaine were allegedly seized at his mother Sandra's house in Birmingham before Knight, 27, and brother Carlos, 26, were led out in handcuffs.

Police swooped at 5.30am yesterday. Hours later Knight was introduced to Aston Villa fans as the club's new signing from Fulham.

Knight spent six hours in custody. A police spokesman said: "Two men aged 26 and 27 were arrested on suspicion of class-A drugs offences.
The 27-year-old was released on police bail. The 26-year-old continues to help with enquiries. A quantity of drugs was seized

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The 100 Worst Porn Movie Titles

Porn Movie Titles
1. THE ANAL GIRLS OF TOBACCO ROAD 2 : VAGINA SLIMES - The title that started me on this list. "Virginia Slims" becomes "Vagina Slimes" ? That's disgusting ! You get the idea.
2. LET'S PLAY STAIN THE COUCH - And then invite all our friends over and watch them try to guess what that smell is !
3. CRACK WHORES OF AMERICA - Because nothing turns a guy on more than needle tracks and missing teeth ...
4. PRIME CUTS - YO QUIERO TACO SMELL - I know when I get down there, I want to smell refried beans !
5. AMATEURS ONLY #129 - I'M A BROWN SHIT-HOLED WHORE - Some people like poo, so maybe I shouldn't have included this one. What can I say, it just has a certain poetry to it.
6. SEX STARVED FUCK SLUTS #22 - STINKY WHITE WOMEN - Why would you want to have sex with somebody who is stinky ? You are a puzzle, sir.
7. DUDE, WHERE'S MY DILDO ? - Bad movie, probably a bad porno based on a bad movie.
8. ULTRA KINKY #79 - BOWLIN' IN HER COLON - Bowling balls and colons, such a pretty image.
9. ASS-HOLE O MIO - You've got to be kidding.
10. HOMEGROWN VIDEO #489 : FUCK THE CANUCK - Trouble rhyming "bitch" today ?
11. BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE VAGINA - Kurt Russell should be so lucky ...
12. GOOD ASSTERNOON - I want to see a porno with really amazing dialogue. This won't be it.
14. HINDFELD - A porno about nothing.
15. TEA BAGGER VANCE - Did anybody see the original movie ? Yeah, whatever.
16. MUSIC TO FUCK TO - ONCE, TWICE, THREE TIMES A LABIA - I would watch this if they actually got Lionel Richie to sing the new lyrics with a close-up shot of him crying.
17. GERANALMO - Sure, why not ?
18. BRASSIERE TO ETERNITY - You're reaching ...
19. TIG OL' BITTIES - Spoonerisms can be fun. Sometimes not.
20. MOULIN SPLOOGE - You saw this one coming ...
21. TITS OF FURY - ... but not this one ...
22. GERMAN WHORE FARE - Well, I groaned ...
24. TOOKIE RAIDER - Tookie ? Tookie ??? You're just making up words now.
25. MUFFUGNUGEN - That's just lame, man.
26. PRIME CUTS - ONE FELL INTO THE POO-POO'S NEST - You went to college for this ?
27. FILTHY FUCKERS #184 - POKE 'ER MON - Who exactly is your target audience ?
28. RIMMERAMA - It does kind of roll off the tongue, though.
29. HOOTERS AND THE BLOWJOBS - Sometimes the music in porn movies is kind of interesting. Not this time.
30. HUNG WANKENSTEIN - Two, count 'em, TWO bad puns in one title ! I want this job !
31. SEX - This is so wonderfully descriptive, there are TWO movies with this title.
32. THE SPLENDOR OF HELL - Nothing gets me going more than the thought of the sin I am committing at the time and the eventual suffering I am bringing upon myself.
33. COCKLESS 19 - All-girl videos are okay if not kinda dull, but I get a sort of castration vibe from this one ...
34. WET AND FROSTY - Are you talking about sex or beer ?
35. WHY THINGS BURN - It's called a venereal disease ...
36. AMATEURS ONLY #131 - HOW MUCH LONGER IS THIS GOING TO TAKE - Guys love it when girls ask that question.
37. BABY GIRL - A big disappointment for pedophiles.
38. ANAL CHIROPRACTOR - What, in case your ass is out of alignment ? Yeesh.
39. HUSH ! MY MOTHER MIGHT HEAR US ! - More of a turn-off for women viewers ...
40. S.I.D.S. - SEXUALLY INTRUSIVE DYSFUNCTIONAL SOCIETY - Not Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, which always gets me hot.
41. PRICE IS RIGHT - "Hey, let's name our new porn movie after a game show whose host wants to neuter your family dog !"
42. SNOW WHITE AND THE THREE DWARFS - You're only calling attention to the fact that you're ripping us off to the tune of four dwarves.
43. ABS OF CUM - That doesn't make any sense.
44. DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR RUBBERS - You could get AIDS and DIE !!!
45. SEX IN THE COMICS - This one actually looks pretty interesting. It's porn stars made up to look like cartoon characters having sex. Normal people probably don't want to see this, though ...
46. TOPLESS BRAIN SURGEONS - No, I want you concentrating on my BRAIN during the operation ...
47. YOUR QUIM IS MY GYM - Stupid, nonsensical, you are an object to be scorned.
48. THEORY OF RELATIVITY - That Einstein, what a hottie.
49. FELANALINGUS - "I made up a new word !" "Wow ! Let's hope it catches on !"
50. K-FCK ... THE ONLY THING MISSING IS YOU ! - A five year old retard might think that was funny or clever, but only out of pity.
51. BRIANNA LEE'S RED HOT WEINIE ROAST - Nobody is roasting my weinie. Go away.
52. UNBALANCED CHEMICALS - Psychotics can be sexy too !
53. STRAIGHT A STUDENTS - Why would I want to watch a porn movie where nobody gets to have sex ?
54. LET'S PLAY ANAL TWISTER - That sounds somewhat painful. I'm glad you're not my friend.
55. TUG BOAT - "Hello ? We make porno movies here. P-O-R-N-O. Do you understand ?"
56. HEROIN - In answer to the question, what is wrong with the lead actress ?
57. HAMLET : FOR THE LOVE OF OPHELIA #1 - Your average porn movie consumer will have no idea what this is a reference to.
58. ACID SEX - It burns ! It burns !
59. ADULT MOVIE (A.K.A. PORN MOVIE) - Whew, thank goodness. I didn't know what this was. I'm glad that's all cleared up.
60. RI DICK U LOUS - CHOCOLATE CAN HARDLY HANDLE IT ! - When you named this movie, you were contemplating suicide, weren't you ? You should.
61. FAT THE BALD AND THE UGLY - Well, at least they're accessible ...
62. SANDWICH OF LOVE - Nobody ever got laid using this phrase. It's just not possible there's a woman this stupid out there.
63. PERVERTED ADVENTURES OF SUPER DAVE #1 - It's a different Dave, not Super Dave Osbourne. But that's who you're thinking about right now, aren't you ? And is it turning you on ? Huh ?
64. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A FLEA - Yay ! My girlfriend is infested with tiny mites ! I am so happy !
65. FRYSTIX - Who approved this ? Some porn producer who needed a tax shelter, that's who.
66. ALL ANAL ON THE WESTERN FRONT - Not a good pun, not even a bad pun.
67. HITLER SUCKS - Next time you have sex, when you're close to cumming, think of the Holocaust. Oh yeah, that's it.
68. MASK - Not the movie with Cher and that weird-looking kid. But it might as well be.
69. SKID ROW - Which mental image is worse, the worst section of town with all the drug dealers and hookers, or the band ?
70. ANAL FIREBALL - Oh, ouch.
71. AIRTIGHT GRANNY - What is an airtight granny ? Why is she airtight ? Is that a good thing or a bad thing ? I don't want to know !
73. SHRIMPIN' LOBSTER SAUCE - What does going to Sizzler have to do with porn ?
74. A HORSE'S TAIL - It's not a bestiality video. If it was, it would be a good title. But it's not.
75. E-THREE THE EXTRA TESTICLE - There is SO much wrong with this one ...
76. SIRLOIN TITS - What were you thinking ? I'll bet there's an A-1 Sauce joke in there somewhere.
77. BIG AS THIS BOX #1 - What exactly is "big as this box" ? And is it the same rough shape ... ?
78. TITALLICA - MASTER OF PUPPIES - Puppies ? Puppies ?!!
79. MEAT LOAF - TV DINNER BOX BIG, HUGE, MEATY COCKS - And I am out of the porn store like a bat out of hell ...
80. ONION PLANET - I have no idea what this means. Something to do with onions, perhaps. And a planet.
81. WHITE MEN CAN'T IRON ON BUTT ROW - Can't ... iron ? What about folding shirts ? Can white men do that ?
82. SUPER DRIPPING WET SERIES #3 - CARNAL CASSEROLE - Yum, reminds me of mom's !
83. KID VEGAS WATCH ME CAMP BITCH ! - This one's actually about going camping. If I were a woman, yes, you would have to threaten me to get me to watch you camp.
84. CLIMAX SHOTS #70 - MY BROWN EYE, NOT THE WINKER, THE STINKER - Rhyming is fun. Hey, what rhymes with "loser" ?
85. BUMPIN DONUTS - Uh, which body part is the donut again ?
86. H.R. MUFF N' STUFF - Confusing childhood, was it ?
87. AMBER THE LESBIAN QUEEFER - "Queefer" is just a funny word.
88. MAY THE FORESKIN BE WITH YOU - Geek ! *cough cough*
89. RED HOT CHO CHOS - I don't know what it means, but I heard some other kid on the playground use it ...
91. PRETTY LIL' SISTAS #1 - BEAUTIFUL BLACK POPOZUDAS ! - Nobody talks like this. Nobody. I hope.
92. BEEPING MISS BUFFY - Coyote's after you ...
93. BACKDOOR LAMBADA - A taste for bad porn and horrifically out of date. Why hasn't some woman snapped you up yet ?
94. WALL TO WALL #24 - HELLO TITTY - "Good evening, sir. Ah, I see you have the erotic tastes of a young Japanese girl !"
95. ACAPULCO #1 - MALIBOOBIES - Hooters ! Headlights ! Ta-ta's ! Grow the fuck up !
96. BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE ULTRA MILKMAIDS - Oh, let me guess -- this is an art film ?
97. AFRO-CENTRIX #36 - PUMPIN' THE PO-PO - Don't even try to tell me that's ebonics ...
98. WHAT'S THE LESBIAN DOING IN MY PIRATE MOVIE ? - She's trying to earn enough to feed her crack habit.
99. LUSTY LIFE #89 - SLIDE YOUR LONG LOAF IN MY HOT OVEN - What ... what is wrong with you ?
100. ADVENTURES OF THE FART BITCHES - Ha ha ha ha Fart Bitches.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Zhang Huimin, completes more than 3,550km

Zhang Huimin

Zhang Huimin , 8, a Chinese girl has arrived in Beijing on Sunday after running more than 3,550km (2,200 miles) from the southern province of Hainan in less than two months.She was really really strong

The extraordinarily strong girl, who is 1.22m (4ft) tall and weighs 21kg (46lb), rose each day at 0230 and ran about 1.5 marathons (84km, 40 miles), while accompanied by her father, Zhang Jianmin, who ride on a bicycle, Xinhua news agency said.
The feat was aimed at drawing attention to her Olympic potential ahead of the Beijing games next year, Zhang said. He denied forcing her to run, but some experts have said it amounted to abuse.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Lucky Andrea Lynch survive shark attack

Andrea Lynch
She needed 100 stitches to 17 wounds after the attack on a boat trip to Sarasota Bay.20, an American student shows her injuries after she was bitten by a 6ft bull shark as she floated in the sea off Florida.She was so lucky to survive Andrea Lynch.The shark's teeth got close to her lungs but missed all her major organs.

Liu Hua's Has World's Largest! Left Hand,

Liu Hua's Largest Left Hand

Liu Hua, 24, a Jiangsu Province native with the largest hand in the world will be looking forward to a normal life after undergoing radical plastic surgery at Shanghai No. 9 People's Hospital. He was born with a left thumb, index and middle finger much larger than normal."It was the biggest hand in the world," said Chen Zuliang, a hospital official. "Liu's fingers stopped growing in recent years so plastic surgery was at last possible to correct the malformation."
Surgeons began a seven-hour operation to reduce the size of Liu's fingers and thumb. Doctors removed 5.1kg of flesh and bone in the procedure.
This was the first stage. The patient will regain the use of most of his left hand after rehabilitation," Chen said. "A second operation is scheduled in six months to reshape his left arm and shoulder.

Dress made from expired sanitary napkins

sanitary napkins

The nice dress was made from expired sanitary napkins by two Chinese students studying at Art Department of Chongqing Education Institute.Can you believe this beautiful dress just costs 60 RMB (about US$8)? The sanitary dress is not only creative, but also environmental-friendly!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

800 years old tree sculpture

old tree sculpture
This delicate sculpture completed by 8 sculptors which consumed more than 6 months.A very old tree was carved into a huge sculpture themed with the stories of the Huaguo Mountain in the Journey to the West. The height of the tree is 6.8m and it is at least 800 years old.

Biggest Mooncake Weights 13 Tons

The mooncake, with a diameter of 8.15 meters and height of 20 cm, has a total surface area of 52 sq meters and was baked in a specially prepared big oven, with a diameter of 9 meters.Ten cooks of a super food market in Shenyang, northeast China's Liaoning province spent ten hours on finishing the 13-ton giant mooncakes, with ten types of different flavored stuffings, including white lotus seeds, red bean paste and pineapple.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

139 Cars Form For Olympic logo

Olympic logo by 139 Cars
Welcome the Beijing 2008 Olympics Games.139 cars form the Olympic five rings logo in Shenzhen.

Kissing contest to celebrate the Chinese Valentine's Day(Qixi Festival)

Qixi Festival
Those participants were came from 13 province and city. This festival is called Qixi Festival, which falls on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month.About 150 pairs of lovers participate a kissing contest held by an organization of Huaying city, southwest China's Sichuan Province to celebrate the eve of Qixi, considered as the Chinese Valentine's Day

Cool Neat illusions

This is the "Way Cool Scientist" section of Bill Nye The Science Guy: The Brain episode. Pretty neat. They work very well

Saturday, August 18, 2007

comfortable position travelling in style on their motorbike.

travelling style
This is a picture of a couple travelling on Haikou's Nanhai Avenue, who have obviously found a new style

Wind-Powered Cell Phone Charger

UK telecom giant Orange plans to sell a tiny wind-powered cell phone charger developed at the University of Texas at Arlington. The MOBILE WIND CHARGER charges a small "control box," which you can plug into with your phone for a full charge.

How To Use A Second Flash


Have your lighting skills progressed so that now a single on-camera flash feels more limiting than liberating? You've got an inexpensive option: a second flash. Adding another light can open up creative floodgates, giving you professional effects at little cost. (The $136 flash, stand, and adapter rig described in the September 2006 Lighting column would be perfect. Just choose and use your flash carefully.


In terms of exposure, almost any hot-shoe flash will work as a second light. You're probably shooting digital and can check exposure on your camera's LCD, so you don't really need TTL exposure control. If the second, non-TTL flash is too bright, manually dial down its power or add some distance between it and your subject.

The problem is actually triggering the second flash. Many SLRs and DSLRs use a preflash to determine exposure, which can cause a conventional opticaltriggering device (often called a "peanut slave") to fire the off-camera flash prematurely. The solution? A new-generation, digital-savvy, optical slave that recognizes (and ignores) preflashes. One popular unit: the Wein PN Digital Peanut Slave ($35, street). It works with any accessory flash that has a PC-cord connection.
Putting It To Use

You'll find uses for your second flash at events and in product photos, but most of all in portraiture.

MAIN LIGHT: With your new off-camera flash as your main light, use your oncamera flash as fill by dialing down flash exposure compensation. Correctly positioned, the second flash creates shadows below the cheekbones, nose, and chin to shape your subject's face, something an on-camera flash alone rarely can do.

BACKGROUND LIGHT: Move the second flash behind your subject to separate the subject and background (see photos). Aim it at your subject's back, for example, to create a white highlight (rim light) around the hair and torso; this works best against a dark background. Or aim it at the ceiling to create a hair light. You could also turn it around to illuminate the background: Against a plain, dark wall, position it to create a small circle of light behind the head (a "halo"), or use it on the background to capture the environment.

EVENTS: At, say, an indoor wedding reception or cocktail party, place your second (or third) light discretely in a corner, aimed at the ceiling. It can open up backgrounds, fill any shadows cast by your main, on-camera light, and/or overpower or dilute ambient light of a contaminating color temperature (usually fluorescents, which produce green casts). Be careful: Aiming your camera directly at perimeter lights can introduce flare.

PRODUCTS: Shooting small items? Aim your second light at the ceiling at high power. In a small, white-walled space, this turns the entire room into a light tent. Dial down the power on your on-camera flash, and use it to fill in any shadows.

BACKUP: You're shooting your sister's wedding, and it's going great...until midway through the "I do's," your on-camera flash says, "I won't." It pops and sizzles, and the tube turns a scary brown. Good thing you've got that second flash!

420 pounds of tresses linked by glue and twine fascinate

The 80-foot-by-13-foot massive banner that made from 420 pounds of human hair was seen at the foyer of Baker-Berry Library foyer in Dartmouth College. It runs the length of the vast foyer, bright green lettering stretching from end to end. According to the reports, hair for the awesome banner was collected over several months last year from 42,000 haircuts of Dartmouth students, faculty, staff and local residents in Hanover.

Martha MacIsaac of Teensex Comedy Superbad

Marth MacIsaac
Marth MacIsaac is a rising Canadian actress. She was born on October 11th, 1984, on Prince Edward Island in Canada. The young actress with brunette hair is 5'4? tall.

Just as her teen-sex comedy Superbad hits the movie theatres, Marth MacIsaac is moving to her new Hollymood home. So iy id understandale when her parents began to worry about her after she told them she was moving to post-Lindsay Lohan Los Angeles.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

World�s largest nail mosaic

largest nail mosaic

The world�s largest nail mosaic was completed by Saimir Strati from Albania.This piece of work has entered the Guinness Book of World Records and remains uncontested till this day

It took 1 million Post for MTN commercial - Stickies

It took 1 million Post-it's, 96 314 digital photographs using 2.5 terabytes of storage, 4.9 kilometers of 35mm film, 3 weeks of editing, and 83 hours in Flame to produce this 60 second commercial.With music from Fat Boy Slim.

France's Most Beautiful Woman Laetitia Casta

Laetitia Casta

Laetitia Casta was voted as the most beautiful woman in France in 2000. She has appeared on over 100 covers of fashion magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Glamour, as well as doing commercials for the cosmetics company L'Oreal.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Awesome homeless drummer shows off his crazy skills

This guy sure has some serious skillz and knows how to make money.This is the street version of joey jordisons drum solo pretty awesome could go right in to slipknot as a stand in 4 joey lol.

An Amorous Boy

An Amorous Boy
It makes me almost laugh off my teeth... lol

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

World�s Most Expensive Desserts

The Fortress Aquamarine
The Fortress Aquamarine
The Fortress Aquamarine
The dessert above called The Fortress Aquamarine being sold at a restaurant in Sri Lanka costs $14,500, undeniably being the world's most expensive dessert. The two below costing over $1,000 are ranked as the second and third most expensive desserts

Tips before wearing a bikini


With the opening of China's economy, women are also becoming more open about showing their bodies, and they can do it with bikinis in the summer.

This swimwear is becoming popular among Chinese girls. But before wearing a bikini, there are a few things women need to know before donning a bikini.

Many women will try to lose weight before wearing a bikini. Yet fashion experts say that in order to look attractive in a bikini, the following eight things are more important than weight.

Tip 1: The color of your skin means much more than the color of the bikini you wear.

According to a survey conducted by an international fashion magazine, tanned looking skin is more attractive to men than perfect body curves on beaches. So when going to the beach, apply foundation darker than the one you use in office.

Or you can apply self-tanning products which are water-proof and can give the appearance of darker the skin. The �tan� will fade in three to seven days. Sisley�s herbal sun tanning jelly (77g, 590 yuan) and Biotherm magic sun tanning body spray (150ml, 300 yuan) are both good choices.

And for a glittering touch, add shimmering powder to your collarbone, shoulders and cleavage to make you look sexier.

Tip 2: Pay attention to little corners of your body.

Women don�t pay enough attention to their backs, elbows and knees when in the office, but you need to make up for it before setting out for a beach.

Before you go, have a hot bath. It will help soften the hard skin on your back. If you can have someone scrub your back, it works even better.

For knees and elbows, apply a polishing cream with big grains in it to exfoliate the dead skin. Biotherm Body Polishing Scrub (20ml, 30 yuan) works rather well.

Bruises can also diminish the looks of a charming lady. The way to get rid of them is to use a tube of yellowish correcting cream, apply it to the bruised area, and then cover it with some dark foundation powder.

Tip 3: A bloated body is far from attractive

During traveling, lack of sleep and adapting to a strange place can both lead to a bloated body.

To prevent the body from swelling, don�t wear tight pants or socks and wear low-heeled shoes. If you body is bloated, here are four life savers:

No.1 Drink four to five glasses of Job's tears water (Chinese barley) the day before you go to the beach. This helps drain extra water from your body.

No.2 Massage slimming cream or massage oil onto your body for 15 minutes, and the next day you�ll have a slimmer body.

No.3 If you don�t notice you have a bloated body until just before starting for the beach, drink a cup of black coffee with an empty stomach and that can drain extra water out of the body quickly. But this method isn�t very good for the stomach, so avoid it if you have a weak stomach.

No.4 If all three above tips fail, here is the last suggestion. Make your arms look slimmer by putting your hands on your waist Akimbo arms make arms look slimmer and leaning the body forward at a 45 degree angle makes whole body appear slimmer!

Tip 4: Have a pair of charming feet.

A pair of neatly groomed feet adds to your charm. Moisturize your feet. Bathe them in hot water and then apply some body lotion to your feet. Wrap them with thin plastic wrap and warm the feet with hot towels for 10 minutes. Paint your toe nails. Pearly white and bright red are mostly commonly used nail colors. When applying nail polish, leave some room on nail edges to make nails look more delicate.

Tip 5: Give skin after-beach care.

Direct exposure to salty seawater and strong sun rays harms the skin and makes it dry andthen peels. Some skin is even allergic to ultra violet rays. So it�s necessary to take special care of the skin within one hour after coming back from seaside.
Cool your whole body by having a green tea bath. Soak a make-up pad with a cooling lotion and then keep the pad in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Pat burning areas of the skin with this pad and keep it on sensitive areas like shoulders, back and chest for 20 minutes. After this cooling treatment, apply a soothing gel to supplement water to the skin.

A man from japan made some strange instruments

This guys a couple of years ago in Paris at the Japanese cultural center, in a performance / display of their inventions.It's great because they really keep the ambiguity between company showcase and, well, performing arts, or Art.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Leonardo DiCaprio Wax Figure

Leonardo DiCaprio Wax Figure
A sculptor puts the finishing touches to a Madame Tussauds wax figure of actor Leonardo DiCaprio, in the Madame Tussauds studio in London. The figure will go on display to the public on August 16.

A Girl to Be Enrolled by 10 of World's Top Universities


A 20-year-old excellent girl (Linlin) of Changsha, China, has been taken by 10 of the World's Top Schools such as Wesleyan University, the first Women's University of USA; University of Rochester; The London School of Economics and Political Science(LSE); The University of Warwick, and so on. Not only is Linlin good at reading, but also she loves make up very much.

Chinese cabbages sculptures

cabbages sculptures

The Chinese cabbage looks delicious... Actually, this is a dough sculptures made by a local folk handicraftsman. The lifelike and lovely Chinese cabbages are shown in Mudanjiang City

God in eggplant Amazing


Felicia Teske of Boothwyn, Delaware County was preparing fried eggplant for dinner. Upon slicing the eggplant she noticed that the seeds in one slice appeared to spell out the word "GOD". Her husband Paul looked at the sliced eggplant and couldn't believe it either, calling Action News. Felicia told Action News that she recently had family members pass away and it is comforting that "GOD" appeared.

The annual Shoton Yogurt Banquet Festival

Yogurt Banquet
A lot of Tibetans and visotors enjoy looking at a 35-meter by 30-meter giant Thangka painting bearing the image of Sakyamuni, founder of Buddhism, on the hillside next to the Zhebung Monastery in Lhasa, capital of China's Tibet Autonomous Region. The occasion marked the beginning of the annual Shoton (Yogurt Banquet) Festival. Originally a religious activity for pilgrims to serve yogurt to monks and nuns finishing their summer retreat, the festival has become a theatrical event since the mid-17th century. The week-long festival features Tibetan opera performances and yak races.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Malaysian completes "upside down" drawing in 20 seconds

Zhou Yali

Have you ever seen the "upside down" drawing technique!!! If not, here's your chance. Zhou Yali, 56, an artist from Malaysia mastered the unique technique after 10 years of study and research. He can now complete a simple upside down drawing within 20 seconds.
Normally, the drawing will face the drawer when he or she is drawing. However, using his "upside down" drawing method, Zhou can draw artworks that face away from him even while he is working on them.

Zhou started to be interested in drawing at the age of 30. Since then, he began to draw at least two hours a day. At times, he even spent the whole day drawing at home. However, he grew bored with the common drawing techniques 10 years ago. In order to challenge himself and come up with a more creative approach to drawing, he began working on an "upside down" drawing technique.

Zhou is going to open a class to pass on the technique. However, he emphasized that he is going to carefully select the students because learning the technique of "upside down" drawing requires great patience.

Tom Sietas holds breath underwater for 15 minutes and two seconds

Tom Sietas

Twelve-times world records holder Tom Sietas, 30, a German man has held his breath underwater for 15 minutes and two seconds, breaking his own world record (14 minutes and 25 seconds) on a television show.

According to Reuters reports, his feat was helped by a pre-stunt inhalation of 20 minutes of pure oxygen and a five-hour fast.

Mr Sietas has lungs that are 20 percent larger than average for his size, lung expert Dr. Marc Spero told Reuters. He also manages to stay very still, which reduces the need for oxygen.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Daredevils who achieve glacier surfing for the first time

Hawaii tow-in surfing team Garrett McNamara and Kealii Mamala have just returned from Alaska where they became the first - and possibly last - surfers to successfully ride glacier- generated tsunami waves of up to 25 feet. Their tsunami surfing experience took place at Child's Glacier on the Copper River, in South-Central Alaska, located near the town of Cordova, Alaska.

Japanese Human Art

This Japaneses perform a great act for a TV Show called Kasou Taishou. It's amazing and very creative. There are so many like this one. Check out the Ping Pong and the Baseball Game

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Wang Fu-gui's 2,008-Meter-Long Calligraphy


Calligrapher Wang Fugui shows his 2,008-meter-long calligraphy work at a stadium in Beijing Aug. 5, 2007. The calligraphy enthusiastists spent three years to finish recording the history of the Olympic Games, champion list, and nearly 200 poems on these super long paper rolls, expressing his blessings to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

Uygur Girls Press Grape Juice With feet to Make Wine

Uygur Girls  Make Wine
Two Uygur girls were pressing grape juice with their feet to make wine at the Grape Valley in Turpan, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. Nowadays, mechanical wine press has been widely used to take the place of this traditional technology. In the past, the girls who press grapes must wash their feet carefully, and they were even not allowed to step on anything unclean during the days of work.Why to make a wine.